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Briefly About Dr. Anush A John
Anush A. John
BDS, MDiv, ThM, DMD, DMin, MD
Anush John was born and raised in the South Indian city of Bangalore. The second of three boys, he was born into a pastor’s home and grew up in a household devoted to ministry. At age 10, he gave his first sermon, and from that point on, he continued to pursue opportunities to teach and study the Bible. Anush completed his education and practiced in Bangalore until he married and moved to the US in 2003. During these years, he also worked at Christian Medical College and Hospital in Vellore and obtained a Master in Divinity (2002) from the Asian Institute of Theology in Bangalore.
After relocating to the United States, Anush attended medical school in Kansas City, Missouri, and pursued a career in Maxillofacial Surgery. During medical school (2014), he also completed a Doctor of Ministry degree from Fuller Theological Seminary, California, focusing on Leadership and Evangelism (2011). He recently completed a Master of Theology degree in Christian Apologetics from Liberty University in Virginia, USA (2024).