God the Father
The Existence of God (Vs. Atheism)
1. God’s Personal Name
2. God’s Titles
3. God’s Metaphorical Names
1. God’s Foreknowledge
2. Predestination
The Nature of God
1. The Spirituality of God (Vs. Materialism)
2. The Personality of God (Vs. Pantheism)
3. The Unity of God (Vs. Polytheism)
1. Attributes Describing God in Himself:
God’s Self-Existence
God’s Unity
God’s Spirituality
God’s Simplicity
God’s Immutability
God’s Infinity
God’s Eternity
God’s Omnipresence
God’s Omniscience
God’s Omnipotence
God’s Glory
A. Creation
1. Creation ex nihilo
2. The Spiritual World
3. The Material World
B. Providence
1. Providence and Miracles
2. Providence and Concursus
3. God’s Preservation of Creation
1. The Unity of the Trinity
2. The Plurality of the Trinity
3. The Trinity and Scripture
4. Historical Development of the Doctrine of the Trinity
2. Attributes Describing God in His Activity toward Creatures
God’s Goodness
God’s Mercy
God’s Righteousness
God’s Veracity
God’s Wrath
God's Faithfulness
God's Jealousy
C. Covenants
1. The Covenant with Creation
2. The Covenant with Noah
3. The Covenant with Abraham
4. The Covenant at Sinai
5. The Covenant with David
6. The New Covenant
William Evans and S. Maxwell Coder, The Great Doctrines of the Bible, Enl. ed. (Chicago: Moody Press, 1974), 7.
Peter J. Gentry and Stephen J. Wellum, God’s Kingdom through God’s Covenants: A Concise Biblical Theology (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2015), 50–51.
Mark Ward et al., eds., Lexham Survey of Theology (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2018).