Character of a Disciple
Character and Influence of a Disciple
From the Sermon “A Disciple’s Disposition - The Character of a Christian”
Influence of a Disciple
From the Sermon “A Disciple’s Disposition - The Character of a Christian”
#light #goodworks #fruit #Christianworldview #religion #influence #society #culture #separation #holiness
Loves God More Than Family
From the Sermon “Pros and Cons - The Cost of Discipleship"
Loves God More Than Possessions
From the Sermon “Pros and Cons - The Cost of Discipleship"
Loves God More Than the Self
From the Sermon “Pros and Cons - The Cost of Discipleship"
Trusting vs Worry
From the Sermon “A Disciple’s Disposition - The Character of a Christian”
Love for people
From the Sermon “A Disciple’s Disposition - The Character of a Christian”