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Attributes and Names of God

Attributes of God

God’s Self-Existence
God’s Unity
God’s Spirituality
God’s Simplicity
God’s Immutability
God’s Infinity
God’s Eternity
God’s Omnipresence
God’s Omniscience
God’s Omnipotence
God’s Glory
God's Will

2. Attributes Describing God in His Activity toward Creatures

God’s Goodness
God’s Love
God’s Mercy
God’s Grace
God’s Holiness
God’s Righteousness
God’s Veracity
God’s Wisdom
God’s Wrath
God's Faithfulness
God's Patience
God's Justice
God's Jealousy

Names of God

Yahweh (YHWH):
The personal name of God, signifying His self-existence and eternal nature. Exodus 3:14-15Deuteronomy 6:4.
A generic term for God, emphasizing His power and creative nature. Genesis 1:1Psalm 19:1.
El Shaddai:
"God Almighty," highlighting God's omnipotence and provision. Genesis 17:1Exodus 6:2-3.
Translated as "Lord" or "Master," emphasizing God's authority. Genesis 15:2Psalm 110:1.

"The Lord Will Provide," emphasizing God's provision. Genesis 22:14.
"The Lord Who Heals," emphasizes God's role as a healer. Exodus 15:26.
Description: "The Lord Is My Banner," emphasizes God's role as a protector. Exodus 17:15.

"The Lord Who Sanctifies," emphasizing God's role in sanctification. Leviticus 20:8.
"The Lord Is Peace," emphasizing God as the source of peace. Judges 6:24.
"The Lord Is My Shepherd," emphasizing God's care and guidance. Psalm 23:1.
"The Lord Our Righteousness," emphasizing God's role in providing righteousness. Jeremiah 23:6.
"The Lord Is There," emphasizing God's perpetual presence. Ezekiel 48:35.

There are many other names of God. The names of God reflect the attributes of God, so a study of the attributes of God will be sufficient to understand (minutely) the nature of God.

Other names:

Ancient of Days: This title emphasizes God's eternal and timeless nature. It is found in the Book of Daniel (Daniel 7:97:13).
Rock: God is often referred to as a rock, symbolizing strength, stability, and refuge (Deuteronomy 32:4Psalm 18:2).
Redeemer: God is portrayed as a Redeemer, emphasizing the concept of salvation and deliverance (Isaiah 54:5Job 19:25).
Holy One of Israel: This title highlights God's holiness and His special relationship with the people of Israel (Isaiah 1:4Psalm 71:22).
The Alpha and the Omega: While this specific phrase is from the New Testament, the concept of God being the beginning and the end is present in the Old Testament as well (Isaiah 44:6).
I AM: This is a self-designation used by God, indicating His eternal and self-existent nature. It is found in Exodus 3:14.
Everlasting Father: This title is used to express God's paternal care and eternal nature (Isaiah 9:6).
The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: This phrase is a relational title, connecting God with the patriarchs of Israel (Exodus 3:15Exodus 4:5).​

The Almighty: This title emphasizes God's omnipotence and all-powerful nature (Genesis 17:1Exodus 6:3).
The Most High: This title underscores God's supremacy and exalted position above all (Genesis 14:18-20Psalm 83:18).
The Shepherd of Israel: God is portrayed as a shepherd caring for His people (Psalm 80:1).
The Fountain of Living Waters: This imagery is used to describe God as the source of spiritual refreshment and life (Jeremiah 2:13).
The God of Hosts: This title refers to God as the Lord of armies, signifying His sovereign rule over heavenly forces (1 Samuel 1:3Psalm 84:3).
The Ever-Present Help: God is described as a constant and present help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1).
The Potter: God is likened to a potter, shaping and molding His creation (Isaiah 64:8Jeremiah 18:6).
The Husband of Israel: This metaphor portrays the covenant relationship between God and the people of Israel (Isaiah 54:5Jeremiah 31:32).
The Avenger of Blood: In certain legal contexts, God is referred to as the one who avenges wrongdoing (Numbers 35:19Joshua 20:3).
The Glory of Israel: This title signifies God as the source of Israel's honor and splendor (1 Samuel 15:29).​

The Judge of the Earth: God is depicted as the ultimate judge, ensuring justice and righteousness (Genesis 18:25Psalm 94:2).
The Consuming Fire: This metaphor emphasizes God's purifying and consuming nature (Deuteronomy 4:24Hebrews 12:29).
The Light of Israel: God is portrayed as the illuminator and source of spiritual light (Isaiah 10:17Micah 7:8).
The King of Glory: This title is used in a triumphant context, celebrating God's majestic rule (Psalm 24:7-10).
The Mighty One of Jacob: Signifying strength and protection, this title is associated with the patriarch Jacob (Genesis 49:24Isaiah 49:26).
The Covenant-Keeping God: Emphasizing God's faithfulness to His promises and covenants (Deuteronomy 7:9Nehemiah 1:5).
The Hiding Place: God is described as a refuge and shelter for His people (Psalm 32:7Psalm 119:114).
The Father of Mercies: Highlighting God's compassionate and merciful nature (2 Corinthians 1:3Deuteronomy 4:31).
The Upholder of All Things: Signifying God's sustaining and upholding power over creation (Hebrews 1:3Nehemiah 9:6).
The Lord of Sabaoth: This title emphasizes God's lordship over heavenly hosts and armies (Romans 9:29James 5:4).

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