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December 12

David Bempong

Scripture Reading

Matthew 2:19-23

But when Herod died, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt, saying, “Rise, take the child and his mother and go to the land of Israel, for those who sought the child's life are dead.” And he rose and took the child and his mother and went to the land of Israel. But when he heard that Archelaus was reigning over Judea in place of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there, and being warned in a dream he withdrew to the district of Galilee. And he went and lived in a city called Nazareth, so that what was spoken by the prophets might be fulfilled, that he would be called a Nazarene.


Joseph, Mary, and Jesus, who had sought refuge in Egypt to escape Herod's persecution, are now returning home. Joseph, prompted by divine guidance from an angel, responds obediently and begins the journey home. Undoubtedly, this decision was laden with difficulty, given the challenges and persecution they had faced at the time of Jesus’ birth. Despite the uncertainty that awaited them, Joseph trusted God’s guidance. In certain seasons of our lives, we, too, encounter uncertainty, yet it is paramount that we maintain trust in God's unfolding plan.

Joseph's response to the call to return home is a testament to his deep faith in God's promises and unwavering trust in the divine plan. He had received assurances of his family's protection, and similarly, we can live with the confidence of God's presence. This assurance doesn't exempt us from difficulties but signifies that God is with us even during challenging times.

The journey from Egypt to Nazareth mirrors our spiritual journey. Like Joseph and his family, we may find ourselves in unfamiliar places, confronting trials that test our faith. Yet, just as God guided Joseph through dreams and angelic messages, He continues to lead us through His Word. Even when circumstances appear difficult, our faith should stand firm in the incredible truth that God remains in control.

As we contemplate Joseph's homeward journey, let it serve as a reminder to trust in God's guidance.


  1. What are some decisions in your life where the road ahead seems unclear or hazy?

  2. How are you seeking the will of God?

For resources on God's Will: The Will of God


Song: Noel, Lauren Daigle.

Scripture quotations are from the ESV®Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright© 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


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